2024 Planners Advocacy Days - Legislator RSVP

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Please select the Advocacy Day(s) you wish to attend (free)

APA Cleveland
July 31, 2024
Merwin's Wharf, Cleveland
APA Miami Valley
July 31, 2024
Mudlick Tap House, Dayton
APA Central Ohio
August 1, 2024
Toole Design, Columbus
APA Cincinnati
August 8, 2024
Sawyer Point Atrium, Cincinnati

Additional Options

Donate to APA Ohio's Legislative and Advocacy Efforts
100% of donations made to the APA Ohio Legislative Committee goes towards the fulfillment of our Policy Platform through sharing stories about the impact of planning and advocating for great communities for all in Ohio.
Please select an amount from the dropdown or enter a custom amount, below.
Custom Amount $

Purchase APA Ohio's A Guide to Planning in Ohio
A Guide to Planning in Ohio, Second Edition (2023) is a resource intended to provide the citizens and planners of Ohio with an understanding of the principals of planning as practiced in Ohio today. It is designed to organize a large body of Ohio planning law, policy, and planning practices into a single, organized volume. While the Guide makes reference to national, state, and local regulations, the discussion is primarily intended to provide the reader with a framework for conducting planning and to highlight examples of planning in action.
Who should use the Guide?
* Citizen Planners
* Elected Officials
* Students
* Professional Planners
* Allied Professionals
* The Public
Learn more about the Guide
$35.75 (includes S&H)
For a purchase of more than one copy, please email info@ohioplanning.org

Thank you to our sponsors

By advertising with APA Ohio, our sponsors are helping to support the advancement of good planning in Ohio. Would your organization like to join the movement? APA Ohio offers exceptional opportunities to showcase you!

American Planning Association Ohio Chapter | APAOH