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APA Ohio Sponsorships

My Project21

The APA Ohio sponsorship program is chock-full of opportunities to support APA Ohio and our Sections while showing off your brand and what you believe in. Best of all, we're slashing prices because we know it's hard spending money during a pandemic.

We're all about simplicity and streamlining these days, so we're now including Section level P&Z sponsorships on the same registration form as Chapter sponsorships - and we've thrown in incentive ($$) to bundle! You've got enough to deal with these days, let us help make it easier for you to sell your organization.

100% of sponsorship dollars goes right back into our organization. Support from organizations like you allow us to continue providing quality professional development and networking opportunities to planners across Ohio along with advocating at the state and federal level for issues important to Ohioans.

Questions? Email Christine Davis at




With the current health/safety/financial situation organizations and firms are experiencing related to COVID-19, we’ve discounted several of this year’s sponsorship levels to make it easier for YOU to become a sponsor. For any benefits that may need to shift due to COVID-19, every effort will be made to create an equal benefit throughout the year.
Tier 1 | $4,000 $2,000
Inclusion in Chapter digital consultant directory (12 months)
Logo on Chapter digital programming material **
Logo on APA Ohio website
Full-page digital ad in Ohio Planners News (4 issues)
Sponsor recognition in Chapter eNEWS (bimonthly)
Mention on APA Ohio social media platforms
Tier 2 | $2,000 $1,000
Inclusion in Chapter digital consultant directory (12 months)
Logo on Chapter digital programming material **
Logo on APA Ohio website
Half- page digital ad in Ohio Planners News (4 issues)
Sponsor recognition in Chapter eNEWS (bimonthly)




Details and registration for other Local Section event sponsorship opportunities will be available closer to the scheduled events. Don't forget: Bundle and SAVE! Add a Local Section package(s) to your Chapter package and save $50 per Section.

Tier 1 | $1,500
(2) Complimentary attendance to P&Z Workshop *
Full page ad in P&Z Workshop digital program
Mention on P&Z Workshop social media posts
Logo on P&Z Workshop website
Logo on all digital programming material ***
Logo in all section communication emails ***
Logo on section webpage
Tier 2 | $1,000
(1) Complimentary attendance to P&Z Workshop *
Full page ad in P&Z Workshop digital program
Mention on P&Z Workshop social media posts
Logo on P&Z Workshop website
Tier 3 | $500
Logo on digital programming material ***
Logo in all section communication emails ***
Logo on section webpage




Planning Webcast Series: $2,000
Includes logo placement on PWS website homepage for 12 months
Policy Advocate: $500
Includes logo placement on all legislative communication to membership and on APA Ohio legislative webpage for 12 months
Awards: $500 per award season
Includes logo and recognition on awards webpage and during awards presentation
Consultant Directory: $500
Includes firm logo, name, web address, contact email, contact phone, location, specialty(ies), etc. for 12 months
Chapter Website Ad: $600
Includes 12 month website ad and digital quarter page ad in Ohio Planners News (4 issues)


Purchase a Sponsorship



Fine Print:

Any combination of Chapter, Section and A La Carte sponsorship opportunities are welcome

Bundle and SAVE! Add a Local Section package(s) to your Chapter package and save $50 per Section.

* Includes base price of full registration. Other exclusions may apply
** Does not include section level programming
*** Does not include P&Z Workshops or Chapter level programming



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