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We Plan Cleveland 2016

 We Plan 2016 Logo

Everyone contributes to places that matter. We Plan CLE is an annual event, open to all, designed to foster discussion and innovation.

A week-long series of events focused on a different theme each year to encourage discussion, collaboration and great ideas. We invite you to join the conversation!


We Plan CLE 2016: REPURPOSE 

We make critical decisions about our community every day. Once the big question facing our city and region was simply, “How shall we grow?” The big question we now face is “How shall we re-grow our communities and make that growth sustainable?” No single person, profession or group can answer that question effectively. We need to collaborate and consider different perspectives, sparking new ideas that illuminate a path to a bright future for Cleveland and our region. REPURPOSE.



Wednesday, October 12 @ Noon | The City Club of ClevelandStreetfight

Ms. Sadik-Khan is one of the leading voices on urban transportation policy, and internationally respected for her transformative redesigns of New York City streets and rapid implementation strategies that are being replicated in cities around the world. She is a Principal with Bloomberg Associates, former Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation from 2007–2013, and author of Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution.

Join us for a conversation on what urban revolution looks like and the role transportation plays in improving the quality of life in cities.

Note: AICP CM credits were available for this event.



Thursday, October 13 @ 5:30pm | Hub 55 Pk Logo

An amazing event featuring 10 presenters sharing their stories related to the REPURPOSE theme using 20 slides at 20 seconds per slide.

Happy hour kicked the evening off at 5:30 in Goldhorn Brewery; presentations at 6:30 in Sterle's.

Questions about We Plan CLE should be directed to Arthur Schmidt at or 216-664-3817.


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