
November 3, 2021
1:00PM - 2:30PM

Leading with Equity – A more effective way to frame Age-Friendly Approaches

Planning Webcast Series


The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare historical social, economic and health inequities forcing States and communities to re-evaluate and re-imagine the effectiveness of programs and service delivery. Front-and center for consideration are innovative approaches that use existing programs and resources more effectively to produce better outcomes for children, families and older adults. This session shares frameworks that can serve as a tool for public- and private-sector actors to shape a vision of an intentional planning decision-making ecosystem that ensures equity is centered in public investments in: access - transit and local mobility; community health from an all age lens and a rural-urban lens; financing cross-generational services and needs across the life cycle; and 2Gen strategies to break the cycle of poverty and replace with opportunity. The success of these approaches to address equity will depend on a shared vision, identifying priority areas, crafting service improvement plans, enabling self-assessment, monitoring progress with equity benchmarks and ensuring all structures and conditions are connected to impact equity. The frameworks lead with equity as the first dimension, making equity explicit. They set up the conditions (structures, policies and practices) necessary for equitable decision-making.

Cost: Free

CM | 1.5

Register Here

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Add to Calendar aCLuDhaqizCaPxAftmqF167204 11/03/2021 01:00 PM 11/03/2021 02:30 PM false Leading with Equity – A more effective way to frame Age-Friendly Approaches The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare historical social, economic and health inequities forcing States and communities to re-evaluate and re-imagine the effectiveness of programs and service delivery. Front-and center for consideration are innovative approaches that use existing programs and resources more effectively to produce better outcomes for children, families and older adults. This session shares frameworks that can serve as a tool for public- and private-sector actors to shape a vision of an intentional planning decision-making ecosystem that ensures equity is centered in public investments in: access - transit and local mobility; community health from an all age lens and a rural-urban lens; financing cross-generational services and needs across the life cycle; and 2Gen strategies to break the cycle of poverty and replace with opportunity. The success of these approaches to address equity will depend on a shared vision, identifying priority areas, crafting service improvement plans, enabling self-assessment, monitoring progress with equity benchmarks and ensuring all structures and conditions are connected to impact equity. The frameworks lead with equity as the first dimension, making equity explicit. They set up the conditions (structures, policies and practices) necessary for equitable decision-making. Cost: Free CM | 1.5 Register Here [Virtual]