
March 25, 2022
1:00PM - 2:30PM

Digital Planning in a Digital World

Planning Webcast Series


The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the existing movement to digital systems in the planning process. While often a mercurial aspect of planning management, this topic has real world impacts on how the public engages with planners, the soft costs of permitting and design, and the pace at which planning systems can respond to changing conditions. This webcast features planning stories where cities have worked to make their backend (permitting, plan review) and frontend (comprehensive plans, maps) more accessible, engaging, and transparent through digitalization. The City of Gainesville will present its ePlanReview process, the story of how it was created, lessons learned, and planned improvements. Finally, the presentation ends with the City of Burlingame's presentation of its completely online and digital General Plan, featured as a top website on planning news sites for 2021.

Cost: Free

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