
May 20, 2022
1:00PM - 2:30PM

Planning for Healthier Communities: Consider a Nurse

Planning Webcast Series


Learn about the important contributions that nurses can provide in making our communities healthy as people age and learn how you can engage a nurse to improve the livability of your community. The NOB represents national and state efforts by nurses and others working to build healthier communities in America. Their mission is to improve the health of communities and the nation through the service of nurses on boards and other bodies. Learn how AARP is partnering with NOB through AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, which encourages states, cities, towns and rural areas to prepare for the rapid aging of the U.S. population by paying increased attention to the environmental, economic and social factors that influence the health and well-being of older adults. Launched in 2012, the network includes the State of Florida and 44 Age-Friendly Communities in Florida. AARP Florida, APA Florida and the Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOB) are working together to pilot a new project to build healthier communities across Florida. The goal is to link the health planning perspective through the volunteer citizen participation of practicing nurses in the local planning processes. To achieve this, AARP Florida and NOB are working with APA Florida to highlight the value that nurses can bring to local decisions and to identify local government boards and committees that could benefit from the special skills and perspective that nurses bring to create opportunities for healthy planning in communities.

Cost: Free

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