
October 21, 2022
1:00PM - 2:30PM

Zoning for Equity, Resiliency, and a Post-Pandemic World

Planning Webcast Series


The past three years have shone a light on the strengths and shortcomings of planning and zoning through events like the 2020 protests for social justice, the pandemic, environmental crises, and the housing crisis. There is an increasing appreciation for walkable environments, and how they can improve health, the environment, mobility, and connectivity. Our firm, which focuses on zoning codes, has been critically examining the services we provide, and how we can both meet modern challenges and also try to acknowledge and repair past harms. As professionals, we are trying to do better. In this episode, we’ll talk about how we can critically examine zoning codes to center equity, resiliency, and walkability in our land use policy.

Cost: Free

CM | 1.5
EQ | 1.0

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