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Week 5: July 6


How the Corona Virus Recovery is Changing Cities | Bloomberg CityLab

“As cities emerge from coronavirus lockdowns, the way people use parks, stores, restaurants, transit, streets and HOMES is changing in ways both subtle and dramatic.” In this article – with a pretty great animated cityscape! – explore how different elements of our cities are adapting to meet new social guidelines. For more on this topic, listen to the HOMEchat with Akron’s Jason Segedy, or the City Club of Cleveland Forum with Cleveland neighborhood leaders in week 4’s HOMEschool.



This Might Be a Bad Time for Virginia to End its Eviction Ban | Kriston Copps | Bloomberg CityLab

In this time of uncertainty, many are facing additional concerns about where they will call HOME in the coming months. The wave of job losses that has resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic is leading to dire consequences for many American’s, with economic relief not able to keep up with what many are predicting to be an enormous wave of evictions and housing court cases. How are your communities taking action to protect their citizens and help stem this pending disaster for families and landlords across the United States?



Cleveland Launches Right-To-Council Program For Eviction Cases | Taylor Haggerty | Ideastream


Government, Non-Profits Working to Prevent Wave of Evictions in Cleveland | Conor Morris | FreshWater Cleveland


In Cleveland and Cuyahoga County, programs are quickly being put in place to attempt to provide economic relief that will allow residents to remain in their HOME, and landlords to pay their mortgages. Do you have ideas for how you’d improve these policies, or are there any opportunities you may have to donate your time and skills to assist the organizations working to stabilize local communities?

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