Complete Story



Week 6: July 13

America's Most Invisible Communities -- Mobile Home Parks | Esther Sullivan | TEDxMileHigh

“It’s no secret that housing has profound impacts on health, income, education, and social stability, and yet the U.S. is crippled by an affordable housing crisis. Inspired by what she witnessed after Hurricane Katrina, Sociologist Esther Sullivan spent two years living among low-income populations, documenting the effects of mass evictions. Here she explains the surprising reason affordable housing is so insecure, and what we can do to fix that.”



Raul Williams Once Sought Help at the City Mission, Now He Helps Break the Cycle of Addiction and Homelessness | Charlotte Morgan | The Land

Once HOMELESS, Raul Williams has now dedicated his life to helping Cleveland residents find a place they feel comfortable calling HOME. Does your community provide assistance to our neighbors with the greatest need?



Lakewood Council President Promotes Affordable Housing Strategy | John Benson |

The City of Lakewood, Ohio is instituting policies to help balance its growing demand for high-end housing while maintaining affordable HOMES for existing residents. The results of these initiatives hope to create a model mixed-income, walkable, transit-friendly, inner-ring community that everybody can comfortably call HOME.


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