Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update
Copley Township
Copley Township is an urban Township located in northeast Ohio with a population of over 18,000
residents. We are seeking qualified professionals to assist in the update of the Comprehensive Land Use
Plan. The first Land Use Plan was adopted in 1999 with additional updates occurring in 2009, and 2019.
The Plan Committee is in the process of completing an additional five-year update (2025-2030). We are
seeking Requests for Proposals relevant to incremental Plan updates in the following areas:
1. Sustainability-Appropriate methods to encourage sustainable development, Protecting natural
resources, canopy benefits to residential and commercial development
2. Equity-Housing Inventory (Types, Affordability, Build Out Scenarios, Need), Infrastructure Access
(food, internet, public transportation)
3. Mini Plan for Montrose Neighborhood Place Making
Scope of Work: All content must be applicable to Copley Township; Work to be completed for review and
public feedback by May 2024; Final product ready for print by September 2024.
Applicant Qualifications: Qualified applicants may submit qualifications related to one or multiple plan
areas. Applicant to provide sample work and a minimum of two community referrals.
All Qualifications Due No Later than November 30, 2023.
Qualifications will be evaluated on the following: Knowledge of requested project, Land Use Plan
experience, Referrals,
Please visit to learn more about Copley
Township and the current Land Use Plan.
Please submit all RFQ’s to Loudan Klein, Director of Community & Economic Development: